The ProbianThis page contains an archive of recent copies of "The Probian", the monthly newsletter of the Perth Probus Club. Between February 2007 and the Summer Edition 2011, the Probian was available in HTML format, which was slightly better for viewing, but not as good for printing. No special software is required to open thes HTMLcopies. Older and newer versions of the Probian have been saved in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format, which is better for printing, and some editions have been saved in both formats. The PDF version of the Probian should print out exactly as intended, but you will need a fairly recent version of a PDF reader. To obtain the latest free Adobe Acrobat PDF reader click here, or the much smaller Foxit PDF Reader click here. The first edition listed above contains the most recent club information. Earlier issues are provided to allow you to catch up on editions you may have missed, as well as to provide a retrospective look at what the Probus Perth has been up to. If you currently receive a copy of the Probian by mail, you may want to consider accessing it through this website, since it is now faster and easier to view and print. It is also available in colour through the website, which is much better for the pictures and graphics. Just let us know by clicking here that you wish to receive a monthly email telling you when the latest Probian is available, instead of receiving it by mail. This will save the club money for printing and mailing and will be better for the environment. It may also lead to lower membership fees in future. It was decided at the September 2011 meeting to discontinue the HTML version of the Probian to simplify the production process. It was determined via a show of hands that there are few members who access the internet via dial-up and all of those who do are able to download PDF documents. Printing Hints It is better for the environment to read the newsletter on the screen, but if you must.... PDF versions of the Probian should print out exactly as intended, but you will need a fairly recent version of a PDF reader. To obtain the latest free Adobe Acrobat PDF reader click here, or the much smaller Foxit PDF Reader click here. If you prefer to print out the HTML version of the Probian in the original format, you might have to adjust the margins and suppress the header and footer as follows: |